Tea Party Games
The Handbag Game
Make a list of items most likely to be found in the average handbag (even a few bizarre items!)
Have your guests get their bags and read out the items on your list. The first person to hold up that item from their handbag is awarded a point. The person who has the most points at the end of the list is the winner.
Some ideas for your list could include; lipstick, brush, comb, perfume, mobile phone, tissues, car keys, lollies etc.
The Wedding Photo
This is such a lovely idea for a bridal shower or kitchen tea. Ask your guests to bring along one or two of their wedding photos. The photos can either be displayed on a side table and then the guests can produce them and speak about the fashions of the time, the amazing hair-dos or funny stories from their day.
It’s such a simple way to get everyone talking and laughing and crosses all generations.
Would I Lie To You?
This is a great ice breaker. You will need sticky notes, a pen and/or a cardboard badge, plus a bag of small lollies for each guest.
Ask each guest to write down on the badge/note two things about themselves that are both unusual but plausible. One is true, but the other isn’t.
As guests mingle, they can ask questions of each other to try and find out what is true and what isn’t. When someone makes a correct guess, they get a lolly. The person with the most lollies at the end of the day is the winner.
Example: I won our local CWA baking competition for best sponge cake (not true).
I worked as an exotic dancer to help pay my way through university (true).